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Help Us Keep OUR Campus Safe.

University of Fort Lauderdale (UFTL) is committed to complying with all federal, state and local laws, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) regulations as applicable and is actively monitoring best practices and updating its guidance based on the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

To protect our campus community, UFTL has implemented the following policies and procedures. Everyone plays an important role in ensuring we are doing everything we can to protect one another and the general public.The support of our campus community is critical to the success of our plans.  As the pandemic continues to evolve, UFTL will continue to make the necessary adjustments to the policies and procedures outlined herein.

Self Screening

Prior to return to campus, each student must complete the self-assessment questionnaire.


If a student responds “Yes” to any of the following questions it will result in the student being advised to stay home (off-campus, or in assigned campus housing) until additional information can be obtained.

QUESTION 1: Are you exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19? These symptoms include a new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, loss of sense of smell or taste, or gastrointestinal issues?

QUESTION 2: Have you or members of your family or any other person with whom you have been in close contact had symptoms and/or has tested positive for COVID-19?

QUESTION 3: Have you tested positive for COVID-19?

QUESTION 4: Have you been advised to self-quarantine by a healthcare provider?

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